You don't watch Making the Day, you live it.
29 March 2021
This movie has heart and soul because it is grounded the truth the race belongs not to the swift but to the strong. Like a fine wine, it needed time - 6 years - to be opened and appreciated. Kudos to the amazing writer and director, Michael Canzoniero, to the editor, Michael Berenbaum, to the cast, especially Juliette Bennett and Steven Randazzo, and to all the "little people" who made this movie because they love making movies. An indie like Making the Day reminds us that making serious movies requires people with heart more than studios with money.

Having a partner you love and whose life you want to honor is what drives this movie. After "experiencing" this movie, I went home kissed my wife. That was my reaction to the movie and it's the biggest compliment I can pay it.
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