There's good and bad, and there's a fair amount of violence and torture.
29 March 2021
Well I guess they didn't pick it up. It will be just one season for The Bast*rd Executioner. At least it's still watchable, as there's a kind of an ending, but it's clear they could have made more seasons of it. I did enjoy watching this show, even though it's not top quality, with good and bad decisions, good and bad scenes, good and average acting. The violence is what makes you keep watching it, the battle scenes are relatively good and brutal. Some other things are not that good though, like casting two English speaking actors to play French characters, that's just a bad move. Or giving Katey Sagal a most annoying and weird accent, that was also not a wise choice. I liked her as Peggy Bundy in Married With Children, and even as Gemma in Sons Of Anarchy, but in this show she's by far the worst character and actress. The soundtrack is also a perfect example of good and bad. The intro song is catchy getting after awhile, but the sound during the show is just not that well chosen. Also fading to grey between scenes is just not a wise decision. It makes it look cheap. The intro on the other hand looks very professional and is well made. That all said, it's worth a watch, and I would probably have watched more seasons if they didn't make that stupid decision again to cancel a show when it gets interesting.
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