The performances of their careers
31 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Before I begin my review, I must applaud Director Michael Canzoniero completed principal shooting in 48 hours around NYC for "Making the Day." a truly daunting task.

Now, for my revised review after watching a second time with a family member. "Making the Day", is a heartwarming drama/comedy that was extremely touching and from the heart. My very dear friend always said, "It doesn't matter how bad things are, something good could happen always. Never give up." My beloved father also held that philosophy. I think that is why it resonated with me so deeply. It's a film based on something I hold dear, "chasing your dream, and never giving up."

Steven Randazzo, who I have seen in more films than I can recall, gave the performance of the year and possibly his career. According to Mr. Canzoniero "the inspiration behind the film's narrative was provided by lead actor Steven Randazzo's own real-life struggle with underground film financiers "coming after him" for an incomplete movie while the film was in production." Something I completely understand (albeit all too well).

Mr. Randazzo plays perfectly off of a free-spirited actress who just might be his perfect leading lady. The perfect leading lady is none other than Juliette Bennett, who blew me away with her performance in "The Nth Ward" and rightfully earned her place beside me as a "Scream Queen." However her comedian aptitude goes above and beyond. Ms. Bennett was made for this role and she let herself shine in a brilliant, breakout performance as the free-spirited actress who just won't quit.

I hope that Mr. Randazzo and Ms. Bennett play off each other again in the very near future. The chemistry and flow between both actors is an immediate draw. They make a wonderful team.

Perfectly cast, it pulls us into the struggle to make a beautiful thing against every odd possible. Everyone shines, most of all Juliette Bennett.

As a family we give the film ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and that is a rating that I rarely, if ever,give.

An absolute must see.
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