Modern Family: Under Pressure (2014)
Season 5, Episode 12
Cried my eyes out
6 April 2021
I am a lot like Alex, in mind and personality. I graduated last year, and I experienced everything she was going through in my last few years. I always felt like no one understood how much stress I was under, and only judged me for my failures. I'm in the middle of my gap year now, and I'm terrified of going back to school because I was constantly stressed, but I'm also hating not being in school because already I feel stupider. And apparently stress can lower your IQ, so I'm stressed that my stress made me dumber. Suffice to say, I have never seen a tv show that so accurately portrayed the feelings of being a high schooler; it's not the stereotypical depiction of a girl who is popular, dates boys, hates sports, does phenomenal things, all while never studying once and graduating with a 4.0. This is the first time I've ever thought the stress of high school was so perfectly represented on screen. Ariel Winter is a phenomenal actress to embody this character so well. I cried because I've felt Alex's pain, and it made me want to hug her. I didn't expect a comedy to make me cry so hard, but it's 100% worth it.
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