Town Tamer (1965)
Dana Andrews in his better/best 1960's Western
8 April 2021
In the sixties, A. C. Lyles produced a cram-session of "Old Fogey Westerns" using once leading men well past their prime, gussied-up as newly-revived leads: And like all Dana's Westerns there's either a kangaroo/rigged court or possible hanging like he and Lyles's following years' JOHNNY RENO...

But here Andrews is far more loose and intrepid: a revenge-driven former gunman reanimated following wife Coleen Gray's accidental death i.e. A bullet meant for him, set up by casino-owning villain lording over another TOWN (cheating newly paid miners), using local loser DeForest Kelley to initially thwart Dana's mission to rid his decades-earlier FALLEN ANGEL rival Bruce Cabot...

And the real scene-stealer is his hired gun/thug played by enigmatic rogue Lyle Bettger: As the prologue slayer of Andrews's wife Coleen Gray, the audience knows what our hero doesn't, and, since Cabot is far more crooked/deadly than his own assassin, the hired killer (posing as a Marshal) provides Andrews random advice in-step with neatly paced suspense leading to an inevitable, predictable yet above-average gun-blasting/falling-from-rooftop finale...

Also, Terry Moore, as a fast-talking lass, provides a romantic interest (in a bad marriage with Kelley) more interesting than most. Making this a nifty character-driven time-filler also including Barton MacClane, Richard Jaekel, Lon Chaney Jr., Pat O'Brien, Roger Torrey (a giant baddie providing the best fist-fight)...

And while not the brooding and existential, ultra-violent Spaghetti Western the genre had morphed into, TOWN TAMER, with sudden deaths around every corner, definitely isn't tame.
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