10 April 2021
From the trough in British film making post WW2, comes this thrill-less British thriller with suit wearing uperclass heroes (Greene is supposed to be American so he says "All this is a bit of malarkey" in his RADA accent) tracking down murderous counterfeiter gangsters who have a line in buying Euro gold with fake US Dollars.

Opens with them stealing watches in Burgos and offing Greene's gang member brother. The leads standing round in drab studio interiors are butted onto Barcelona and Dover location shooting with doubles which is just as boring. Most of the action occurs off screen till we get to a tame final punch up with Nieto in the ship's hold.

The only class element is Anouk's performance as a French chantoosie involved with the dead brother. Once again (Simone Signoret in AGAINST THE WIND, Marcel Dalio and Simone Simone in TEMPTATION HARBOR) the continentals steal the picture.
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