De Broca's couscous.
25 April 2021
"Julie pot-de-colle "(pot of glue) was slagged off when it was released in 1977. Hindsight displays its charm.

De Broca met again Jean-Claude Brialy he had already directed in his masterpiece "le roi de coeur" (whose reputation is higher abroad than in its native country) Brialy's role is in the tradition of Cary Grant's American comedies and Marlène Jobert looks like a French Shirley McLaine .

Both are efficient in a story which sometimes lacks tempo and is short of black humor ;besides Alexandra Stewart is wasted in an underwritten part.

But there's a good chemistry between the executive, a well-respected man whose life is his brilliant career and a future marriage with a chic woman and a foolish girl who accidentally killed her husband :after the murder made to look like an accident with his help -this part is botched- , she 's so grateful to him that she follows him around like a little dog ,and overnight ,turns his well-ordered existence upside down.

Good moments :Julie, stealing his weapon from a gendarme ;the chase in the Morrocan town :De Broca was a big fan of comic strip writer Hergé (see also "l'homme de Rio" ) :and it reminds us of the Dupondt (Thompson Twins) and their jeep in " Tintin au pays de l'or noir" ;the dictaphone ,with an unexpected ending,which turns for a brief moment the comedy into a whodunit .

It's not among De Broca 's best but it's entertaining and well acted .
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