I've read enough comments.
27 April 2021
Since when did this short film of artist expression suggest it had an answer for you? At what point did this become about you and your viewpoint? Did you make a short film about your perspective? If not, give it a shot. See how it goes. Try to tell us a story and see how we accept it. Or maybe you can watch us take it personally and start ripping it to shreds for not being something else instead.

If you haven't seen this short yet, by all means, please understand that it's not about you. It's a short about a black man in a time loop with a white cop from the black man's perspective. At no point will you see the words, "based on a true story", so I'd suggest you take the script lightly.

To those on here who justified the killing of human beings by asking "how" they walked down the street or "why" they were out so late at night, you obviously don't know the value of a human life. Either that or you do understand it and just don't think black people's lives are worth much. I guess they lose their worth when they stay out past 1am or spell their name different from yours.

Man, this comment section got me so angry! Oh yeah, and I almost forgot to mention. I'm white. And if you're reading this as a white person, and you understand the value of a human being regardless of their skin tone, don't stay silent when you hear stupid people like these start to talk. Just shut that sh** down quick.

Bottom line...if someone is not threatening your life then you have no right to kill them. At no point should resisting arrest or a traffic violation result in death. Never. No no nope and never. They created something called THE LAW to help with those types of appropriate punishments.
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