One of V Price's better ones.
30 April 2021
Vincent Price, the king of campy horror films. He was the go-to guy for weird, wacky, silly horror films in the 1950s and 1960s. Here, he's Gallico, the Great, a very bitter magician who will clearly be trouble later. Mary Murphy is Lee, another performer in the show. When his old boss shows up and tries to steal his act, Gallico takes action! And now people are wondering where the guy is... can Gallico cover his tracks? Is it related to the bones they found after a college campus bonfire? Miss Eva Gabor is Claire, wife of the missing man, she shows up asking questions. Eva had been in hollywood for about ten years by this time. Can the coppers figger it all out? It's rather simple, but it all works. Not bad. Its actually good. Not as campy as most of the v. Price horror films. Directed by john brahm. In brand new 3D, no less. Story by Crane WIlbur.
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