Cooties (2014)
Just have to say....
1 May 2021
This movie is total crap. I'm annoyed at all the reviews giving it such high ratings that convinced me to actually watch this crap on Amazon. The beginning is like watching a meet your meat DVD. It's disgusting and unnecessary. We get it they get infected from chicken nuggets. We don't need to see the entire process of chicken nuggets being made. Did Zombieland or Shaun of the Dead feel the need to go into detailed scenes of how the zombies became zombies? No. That's almost never required when you're doing a zombie comedy. Serious horror films about zombies do that. I. E 28 Days Later, I am Legend, World war Z. I mention Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead cause let's face it, every zombie comedy is aspiring to be those and usually falls flat on their ass like this film did. Leigh whannell should stick to writing straight up horror because he's not funny. He can throw in comedic moments but actually being funny is not his forte. Rainn Wilson was annoying. All the characters were shallow and unlikable. I laughed out loud once when Rainn Wilson called Elijah Wood a hobbit and that's about it. Some of it was just disgusting even for a Zombie movie (not into "gross you out to be funny comedy") and tried way too hard to be funny without actually being funny. Disappointing stupid movie I wish I could unseen.
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