7 Short stories assembled into 75-minutes feature, each hilarious and unpredictable. Filmcrew and actors are common. Nothing else binds stories together
2 May 2021
Saw this at the Brussel International Fantastic Film Festival 2019 (BIFFF for intimates). 7 Hilarious stories, some 10 minutes each, told one after another. In other words, we see 7 shorts assembled into one feature length movie. Writers, directors and actors are more or less common to the 7 stories, and the whole footage is shot in a handful of weeks, at a moment when all involved actors were available full time. (info from the Q&A after the screening).

Each of the stories gives us something to ponder about, either by turning things around in an unusual but interesting way, or to include some social commentary in an unexpected way. Lots of good ideas are included. I am not sure there is a morale, or one or more packaged messages as takeaways. I saw no final wrapup to tie all story lines together, so I stay with my statement about 7 shorts shown after another.
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