A klepto with a conscience!
4 May 2021
Ogden (Eddie Bracken) is a most unusual man. He's a kleptomaniac. But the weirder part is that he's a klepto with a conscience. He always returns what he's taken...though this is a problem since he works in a bank! Tired of his antics with money and bonds deposited in the bank, the manager has no choice but to let him go...at least until he can be cured of this compulsion to steal.

Ogden goes to see a psychiatrist who must be a real quack! Dr. Storasky (George Zucco) suggests that if he finds a nice girl and gets married, his compulsion to steal with vanish. Yeah, I am sure that's the cure (NOT). Unfortunately, the girl he finds and wants to marry is Sally (Veronica Lake)...and Sally is a professional thief...though of course, Ogden doesn't know this. But you can't feel sorry for the dope...he asked her to marry him only moments after meeting her!

This movie is extremely silly...ridiculous silly. Now this is NOT a criticism...just an explanation as to what type of comedy it is. It's NOT sophisticated nor subtle! Occasionally I felt it was a bit too silly to be taken very seriously...sort of like an Abbott & Costello or even Three Stooges film. Again, not really a criticism but more about the style of the movie. I liked the film and thought it was cute and enjoyable...and quite slight. Worth seeing but don't expect brilliance...just fun.
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