"No One May Open That Which I Have Closed!"...
10 May 2021
In THE KILLING OF SATAN, anti-hero, Lando (Ramon Revilla) sets out on a journey through Hell itself, after being resurrected from the dead. Lando is out to avenge the death of his uncle, and rescue his niece from the clutches of the perverse Prince of Magic.

This is an inventive and entertaining fantasy film, containing plenty of karate and punches that sound like a side of beef is being thwacked with a cricket bat! The final conflict is a hoodoo holocaust, complete with shape-shifting harem girls and Satan himself! This is tailor-made for fans of truly bizarre, supernatural cinema. There are also lots of effectively gushy moments to please any gorehounds.

A divine, crackpot masterwork of Filipino filmmaking...

ANIMAL CRUELTY ALERT: There are some snakes that are severely mistreated and actually killed at one point...
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