Review of Mickey

Mickey (1948)
Mickey the tomboy discovers boys!
16 May 2021
When you watch "Mickey", don't expect much when it comes to the color. This is because like many B-movies of the late 40s and early 50s, they used Cinecolor. Cinecolor was a two-color process which produced a noticeably inferior look compared to three-color Technicolor because it didn't exactly have true color*...and some colors, such as blues, purples and yellows don't look right. And, over time, Cinecolor tends to degrade and turn the print orange-green. So why did they pick Cinecolor anyway? Well, it was cheap...about the same price as black & white film stock....and MUCH cheaper than a full colored print.

When the story begins, you see that Mickey is a tomboy....a girl who would rather play baseball than go on dates or sing....though she does have a lovely singing voice. However, through the course of the film it becomes obvious that this teen is starting to notice boys...and her father's lady friend (Irene Hervey) offers her help in changing her style and attracting boys. Unfortunately, the small town has a busybody. Mrs. Matthews and her son, Robbie, are backbiters and do their best to make Mickey out to be some sort of skank...which she clearly isn't. Plus, this awful woman has designs on Dr. Kelly (Mickey's dad) they both are spouseless. Is dad going to wise up or are they destined to marry this hellish woman and make her Mickeys step-mom?!

This is a generally enjoyable and sweet coming of age film. It is hindered by some occasional poor writing...especially with how Mickey's father is written. He seems a bit too stupid and is quick to believe the worst of his lovely daughter...which is especially so since he's a doctor! But Mickey was written well and the story works well despite a few minor hiccups.

As for Mickey, Lois Butler was very good and it's a shame she made so few films and TV appearances. I have no idea why, as she seemed like a great successor to Deanna Durbin, who was no longer young enough to play these sorts of roles.

One final note. The nice lady who helps Mickey is played by Irene Hervey. For some reason, an internet meme which has spread far and wide (and often) and posts a photo of Irene Hervey...saying it's Irene Ryan (who played Granny on "The Beverly Hillbillies"). This is stupid...they look nothing alike and each time I've seen the post, it shows an autographed that says IRENE HERVEY on the signature! Oh, those dumb social media rumors!!

*There were several other two color processes, such as Two-Color Technicolor and TruColor. Amazingly, TruColor, despite its name, is anything but true!
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