Don't Breathe (2016)
Plot with more holes than Swiss cheese
23 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This entire review is a spoiler, so stop reading now if you want to watch and be "surprised".

I watched the movie because I happen to like Jane Levy, although her character was despicable in this movie. I won't bore you with the plot of the movie which has been discussed by other reviewers, I'll go straight to those irritating plot holes.

1. Why would a blind man live in the middle of an abandoned neighborhood, far away from neighbors and modern conveniences like a grocery store?

2. The devise used to make you lose sympathy for the blind army vet was an extremely contrived plot trick. It turns out he's a kidnapper holding the girl who killed his daughter in a hit and run hostage. Oh, and she's carrying his child. Now it's "ok" to root for the degenerates who broke into the home of a man who, in all probability, lost his sight defending this country.

3. And speaking of the hostage, how did the blind man manage to kidnap her, anyway? Did he lure her to the abandoned property? Hire someone to grab her? How did a blind man set up her room with mattresses, extra lighting (the only well lit part of the house), etc?

4. The kidnapped girl happens to have a newspaper clipping of her hit and run case where she was declared innocent, as if any millennials actually read newspapers and don't get their news off the net.

5. The dog. There's a vicious dog that the criminals drug and leave chained in the yard who magically manages to get unchained and into a house that is locked tight with no doggy door.

6. There are tools and objects all over the house that could be used as weapons, but the criminals never think to use them.

7. The blind vet- we are led to believe that he would have super human strength and agility, as well as being able to appear out of nowhere one minute, and stumbling to find his way the next. Oh, and he's able to track Levy's character in an open area outside of his home, traveling blocks away, by sound when echos are bouncing off everything.

8. The police find the vet in the basement where someone has obviously been held captive and blood spray that would not have cone from his injuries and just close the case as simple breaking and entering where the homeowner killed the perpetrators. Pu-lease.
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