Here is yet another letter from Sean Bury when he was 60 years old...
23 May 2021
Letter from Sean Bury:

Hi Stephen and Judith,

Please forgive me, but my Friend Anicee died nearly 10 years ago this coming November 6th... her wonderful husband rang me that same evening with a voice so full of deep sadness ... It was all I could do just to thank him and express my deepest empathy for him and all the children .... and even now I still find it painful to discuss, some days I can and some when I just just cannot..... this is a cannot day.

The pain never goes... as I am sure you know the feeling when you lose someone with whom you realise suddenly that you were very close to when you were at an important moment of growing up.

But you learn to live with it... then you realise that you haven't thought about her for the last few hours..... then a few days... then a whole week passes.

As I mentioned, sometimes in life things are best left the way they were.... I am a fervent believer it is part of the greater plan of things......

That last meeting we had nearly a year before in 2005 had been quite revealing to both of us.... and very moving in an emotional way. We were both amazed and also sorry to have lost contact for so long.... but that did not diminish our friendship or our respect for each other as very young professional actors all those years before.

I cannot hide it.... but neither of us was very fond of the other off screen... just mutual professional regard for the other.... no one believed us of course. We were always playing pranks on each other.... till it got out of hand. But that's for the book... that I hope may get published. ... But I am not holding my breath. As my dear Indian friend has taught me.... She says "If it is written in the sands of time..... then it will happen...... But the winds of time will one day erode even the faintest of memories of it's passing. But the heavens shall know it forever"..

Please don't be offended... But I left the acting life I once knew behind me so many years ago now.... This is a different chapter in my life..... like all of us.... we all have many chapters and at the very least one good story in us all. I am certainly blessed with so many wonderful memories... and that is where I would like to keep them. I learnt that to walk away from that wonderful magical life... was probably the best thing for me at that time. I still have no regrets ... in fact I still believe that I am the luckiest guy I know ! These days I work late shifts.... and I blend quietly into the background..... but the same message of love is still passed out through me.. maybe to a lot fewer people in one go these days... :) a far cry from that other Sean. But that's the only difference.

I shall write to Paramount Japan to see if they have any plans to clean up P&M VHS copy and to release it on DVD... But I doubt it.... I have very little influence over such matters.... But you never know till you try.

Keep the ideas flowing...... and may you both continue to love and give support to each other.... it's all way too short.

Love, light and magic.

Sean Bury.
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