For 1920, it's very good.
5 June 2021
"Tale of a Wag" is a Jerry on the Job cartoon from Bray Studios. It seems that it's based on a newspaper comic strip by Walter Hoban and involved the young Jerry working a variety of jobs. Bray made these shorts from 1916-1920 and apparently Walter Lantz (of later Woody Woodpecker fame) did the animation.

When the story begins, Jerry and his dog are shooting dice. The boss gets Jerry because a pesky mosquito is bothering him....and Jerry gets the insane idea of tying a hammer to his dog's tale and then having the dog hammer away the bug!

While the story is simple and the drawings even simpler (with no shading or much in the way of backgrounds), the story accomplished something important...it made me laugh! Also, for 1920, it's a very good cartoon....as good as many of its contemporaries, such as Felix the Cat....which it preceded by a few years....and with similar art stylings.
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