Miss Nobody (2010)
Cute but dark comedy
6 June 2021
Leslie Bibb is so adorable, how could she possibly have done all the things we think she did? Surely they are all accidents. And yet eventually, even if she did do what she might have done (there is evidence she didn't in at least some of the cases), we want her to succeed, whatever it takes. She does really well with her narration, even breaking the fourth wall and narrating right there in front of everyone. And there's a really funny conversation with lots of brief replies that sort of reminds me of "Who's on First", but not nearly that funny. It's just so well done. I think she's talking with Det. Malloy.

Missy Pyle is the standout actress here. We know she's not squeaky clean and yet we don't mind her being a bad girl. Not that she actually does anything, but she offers quite a contrast to the sweet innocent Sarah Jane.

Kathy Baker also offers a contrast to her proper and obedient daughter. While she's not on much, we can see it's no wonder Sarah Jane turned out the way she did. If in fact Sarah Jane started actually causing these "accidents".

I'm not that familiar with Brandon Routh but I have seen him in crossover events involving his character in a recent TV series. I plan to start watching that series, as I have numerous episodes recorded. Here, he seems like such a nice guy and even if I haven't seen him in the role, he makes me think not only of Superman but also Christopher Reeve. Of course, he's not that nice and this is why he isn't around long.

Vivica Fox also has a brief role and does it really well, So nice, and yet so mean in the same scene.

Adam Goldberg seems to lack confidence, which is unusual for him. This may be beneficial as he is investigating what could be murders. And while he doesn't seem all that smart, he does keep noticing certain details.

There is plenty of physical humor with Mr. Ketchum, a senile old man who is the boarder at the house where Sarah Jane lives with her mother.

And there is even more physical comedy involving a dead body that has to be moved. You won't believe where! And so many obstacles getting that body there.

You really have to get over the idea of characters being morally upright here. Just enjoy watching all the bad guys (and girls) die one at a time. Don't even worry about whether any of these incidents are accidents or who is actually causing them if they aren't.

Is this family friendly? I suppose a movie like this could be. But aside from the bad words that I apparently didn't hear, Sarah Jane's mom wants her to dress sexy for work. A really short dress, which the mom calls an "automatic erection". That gives you some idea.

At one point things get really dark, and I don't mean dark in a funny way. But the ending may satisfy. Some people will want that ending, anyway.

I had a good time, mostly.
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