"Are You Crazy?! Are You Trying To Kill Me?!"...
7 June 2021
PLAYGIRL KILLER stars intergalactic mega-star, William Kerwin as Bill, an artist with a penchant for murdering his models.

Within seconds viewers will be asking these 3 QUESTIONS: #1- Who needs a spear gun in a rowboat on a small lake? #2- Who, in their right mind, gets into a rowboat with a guy with a spear gun?! #3- What sort of person, aside from a madman, wears white socks with sandals?! In a rowboat or anywhere else?!

Meanwhile, at a nearby pool party, Neil Sedaka sings, and has everyone doing "The Waterbug"! A striptease erupts, as was common practice during late 1960's pool parties. We soon see a shirtless Sedaka in bed. Good Lord! This movie has no shame!

Bill winds up getting a job as a handyman at the residence, and untold terror begins. Somewhat.

Bill's new boss, Arlene (Jean Christopher) does her best to seduce him, prancing around like a cat most of the time. Bill watches her. A lot. A saxophone plays along. Bill can take only so much prancing. Poor Arlene.

Setting up shop in Arlene's mansion, Bill unabashedly wears his leather-strapped stockings of pure eeevil! More death results. He even goes to town in Arlene's aircraft carrier-sized Cadillac! This man is shameless!

In the end, though Bill might receive his comeuppance, those be-sandaled, white cotton foot coverings shall haunt our dreams forever!

EXTRA POINTS FOR: Counting the number of times that Bill goes bug-eyed! No one stares at a phone with more raw intensity! No one!...
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