Tin Man Nose Tip and... this is the pilot??
11 June 2021
So I caught this almost 30 min in and it says here it's the pilot...?? IDK, some guy says "real" like that, what is there a fake pilot? Anyway, the first scene, they have a close up on Steve Austin and all I can see is his "Tin Man" nose tip and I'm wondering if when he woke up and they removed the bandages, he wanted to do what I want to do to him: grab the metal tip (or is did they insert silicone back when? Look closely: Gene Kelly has the exact same one!) and move it up and down. Not that he needs his face rearranged, the guy wasn't exactly bad looking, but just because.

Well, what do you know?! Some guy just bit--slapped him and now his nose looks all weird! He kept his face down so I can't see if the actor messed up and made contact and some guy (looking like Rudy) had to go in and move it down & back into place.

Truth be told, I have no idea how good this is. There he is with another camera frame, his nose looks normal now. I guess it was the down-up shot that made his tip look so prominent and out of place. He had a good haircut. Later he will have a mustache and a bad perm and weird look. (He will go through at least 2 more nose changes...) But this hair his his best look. People were attached to him being with Farrah back then. Truth be told, when she took off with that other creep, her life went downhill fast, didn't it!?

Have I mentioned crown V-jab yet? Why do you think everyone is dead? That's because time-travelers from 2021 got them all jabbed and they keeled over and croaked faster than you can say "ribbit!" Wasn't there another show like that? Village of the Damned! Those are vegans. They look at you with those eyes when you eat meat. Well, I hope you enjoyed this episode. I'm gonna bump the 4/10 to an even 5/10 because four would be odd, even though that's an even number, it doesn't look so even when you have 10 stars and you need to center that up. 5/10 it is. The end.
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