The original nightmare indeed. Micro budget trash.
11 June 2021
I first saw this in the early 90s on a vhs.

Revisited recently on a fast forward mode.

I shud pat my own back for enduring such an atrocious movie.

This is the fourth entry in the series but has no connection with the previous ones.

For entire 60 mins we dont get to c no wolf and then our lead actress tells her husband that she just shot a wolf.

A werewolf finally does appear aft 68th min but that too for few seconds.

The werewolves are not shown properly n there is zero werewolf attack scene.

Rather than werewolves, the makers showed a pack of wolves with glowing eyes.

It has one of the worst but unique transformation scene a la melting body.

The movie has absolutely no tension or suspense n the micro budget is seen all over.

The budget was so low that the movie had to be made without sound. All the audio had to be dubbed in during post-production.

The acting is atrocious.

And the worst is that there are three females but none of em attractive.
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