Nick and Nora They Ain't
24 June 2021
I just watched Haunted Honeymoon on TCM. Robert Montgomery and Constance Cummings were good actors but they didn't didn't really click in this one. Robert Montgomery sure doesn't pass as an English lord with his American accent. It might have worked as a "Thin Man" movie with Nick and Nora on the case in upstate New York instead of the English countryside. The plot develops very slowly with the murder not being discovered until an hour after the start. There are couple of funny slapstick bits which could have been done by the Three Stooges. The first involves cleaning a chimney with a shotgun blast that results in enough blackface to have been in "The Jazz Singer." The second is a collision between Lord Wimsey's touring convertible and a hay truck, resulting in a hay filled convertible. The supporting actors are all great, especially Robert Newton. This is an OK murder mystery but nothing to fret about if you miss it.
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