Bad CGI, women portrayed as weak and as entertainment for men
2 July 2021
First of all, I want to point out that the costumes are great. They are very detailed and beautiful to look at. The music is great, although I hoped for more epic battle music like in the games. The actors are great too, they looked like as if they stepped out of the tv from the dynasty warriors games. But the CGI... the CGI is so bad in this movie that it started to make me laugh. It kinda ruined and saved the movie at the same time. At last I want to talk about the female warriors. I used to play dynasty warriors all the time with my brother. I played as all the female warriors, they were so badass and so cool. So you can say I was very disappointed to see none of them back in the movie. The women in this movie were portrayed as weak and as entertainment for men. Very disappointing. .
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