Review of Nemesis

Nemesis (1992)
Surprisingly fun low budget "Blade Runner" knockoff
11 July 2021
Low-rent "Blade Runner" cyberpunk wannabe is actually better than you'd expect. Olivier Gruner plays a cyborg cop who has to hunt down a former partner before he can give top secret intel to a terrorist group. One of the members of that terrorist group is "Blade Runner" replicant Brion James and another is Tim Thomerson, who himself starred in the very fun "Blade Runner" influenced "Trancers." Director Albert Pyun (who worked with Thomerson again on "Dollman") is a rather talented low budget journeyman director, having made some memorable if not classic genre films including "Vicious Lips," "Sword and the Sorcerer," "Cyborg," and the underrated post-apocalyptic detective film satire "Radioactive Dreams." On the flip side, he's also responsible for the hilariously awful 1990 "Captain America" adaptation. Compared to other prolific schlocky low budget directors, such as Jim Wynorski or Fred Olen Ray, Pyun does have a modicum of flair that makes his direct-to-video flicks a tad more watchable than most. Although his productions are typically hampered by low budgets, actors of limited ability, and sub-par scripts, he reliably manages to make his film visually interesting and compulsively watchable. I wouldn't go as far to say any of his films are great, though "Nemesis" and "Dollman" are close, but they're consistently fun in a cheesy sort of way. With "Nemisis" he's created a fun grungy Hong Kong style version of ""Blade Runner" or "The Terminator," and has a better script and actors than he usually gets, which also includes Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa ("Rising Sun" "Nash Bridges" "Mortal Kombat") and look fast for a young Thomas Jane ("The Punisher" "Boogie Nights") in a small role as Billy. Overall, "Nemesis" is worth watching if you want a fun cheesy low-budget sci-fi outing. FUN FACT! "Nemesis" features a character shooting the floor out from under them in a circle in order to escape his enemies 11 years before it was copied by mainstream vampire/werewolf action flick "Underworld."
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