Not the worst thing ever but forgettable. The first movie is way better.
17 July 2021
The first 12 Rounds movie starring John Cena is a good time non stop action movie. It's not a masterpiece but it's a fine action movie.

You can tell straight away that 12 Rounds 2 has a much smaller budget with it's lesser known actors and there's not really all that much action which is a bit weird considering how chaotic the previous movie was.

Randy Orton is a legendary pro wrestler, he's awesome in the WWE but here he's kind of awkward and you can see he's very inexperienced in acting as his delivery in a few scenes isn't very natural.

He's not terrible but i wish there was more action and fight scenes in this movie because he would be able to handle that stuff with ease. The movie is well directed and doesn't get boring but it never really does anything all that exciting either.

If you like Orton in the WWE then this could a novelty but it won't stick with you for long.
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