Last Chance U (2016–2020)
Surprisingly good show. Terrible sports system though, shameful really.
21 July 2021
So far I've seen seasons 1, 2 and 5.

The documentary is really interesting and surprisingly well done. It's really disheartening though. Talk about a horrible system that these kids come up in. Also, all the preaching done by the coaches is despicable. They should be disciplined for that, and fired if they don't stop. Lastly, the head coach in season 5 says a lot of terribly chauvinistic things that perpetuates rape culture. He often compares winning a game to having their way with a woman..."go out there and get that a**!!!" and something like "shove your dick up there and don't ask permission!" are a couple of the many things he says, and, of course, the players repeat and mimick that type of talk every time. Those quotes aren't verbatim, but that's the gist of it. That coach should be fired, it's terrible that he's been allowed to coach for 40 years.

The coach for East Mississippi (S01 &S02) is so verbally abusive ,it's unreal.

Good docuseries that highlights a lot of negative aspects of college sports, and there are MANY to highlight.
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