Entertaining and informative doc series that takes one back thru the tube decades and how series and shows changed with generational times!
3 August 2021
"CNN" original series has once again done it as with this latest "History of the Sitcom" it's a historical and text book lesson a journey down TV's memory lane as it looks at landmark shows of the past and how they shaped culture and society. Any TV history or pop culture buff will love this series, as it looks thru the decades of the tube even as far back as black and white to see how times would change over the course. Interviews are given with series stars, TV network and series creators as they give their takes on how certain sitcoms changed America. Clips shown bring back memories of joy, comfort, and escape, as it's nice to see show origins along with it's growing pains. And each episode focuses on a different theme and genre that involved the overview of the sitcom from "Family", "Just Friends", "Sex", "Working for Laughs", "Race" and "Moving on Up", to being cast as "Outsiders". And with each episode the viewer sees how sitcoms and the theme changed with times and people. Really this is great TV history! Thru it all as one views each episode looking back you can again enjoy old laughs and old times while realizing that the history of sitcoms and the way they changed opened up people's minds for new thoughts.
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