5 August 2021
Marcello and Ursula are the Stars in this Italian Sci-Fi Satire.

But Almost Take a Back-Seat to the Wild and Far-Out Colors, Costumes, Sets, and Fractured Art-Displays.

Marriage, Aging, TV, Advertising, Music, Comic-Books and Virtually All of Pop-Culture are Given the Treatment in this Fun, Frolicking Black-Comedy.

Psychedelic, Swirling Colors Bathe Surreal Sets and Situations that Range from Tongue-in-Cheek to the Darkest of Comedy.

A Murder Ticket with 10 Punch-Holes and You are the Winner.

There are Multiple-Murders and the Killings are Bloodless and Swept Aside Like the Daily Newspapers.

It Certainly is an Eye-Full with a Fancy Counter-Culture Display.

Beautiful to Look-At and a Distinct Swath of 1960's Style Amplified into a Futuristic Time-Slip.

Marcello Mastroianni and Ursula Andress are Gorgeous Actors.

With Their Whimsical Personas and Charm They Sell this Stuff as Easy as a 60sec TV Commercial.

For Those that Seek a Good Time with the Strange and Unusual...

Worth a Watch.
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