Poignant moments, but a fun film to watch
6 August 2021
I enjoyed the film. The well-known actors gave solid performances and I thought the rest of the cast performed well. To be honest, I read the book several years ago and liked it, but didn't love it; something seemed to be missing for me. The actors put flesh on the characters and brought them to life in a most satisfactory way. I was able to fill more emotionally attached. There were poignant moments but the movie stayed mostly lighthearted. There were also a few examples of turning the bad into something beautiful that appealed to me.

The soundtrack is great! I was 12 in 1967, so many memories were stirred via the music, fashion, and more included in the film. It takes place during a turbulent time in American history and has sad elements, but it was also a kinder, more simple time. The laughter, in the film and from the viewers, remind us that it's possible to keep finding joy despite heartache and misunderstandings. But the final message all should receive is the importance of family and forgiveness and the need for faith to sustain us. This is definitely a "popcorn movie" to enjoy with friends, but I believe it's worth seeing. Check it out!
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