Lots of potential with fair script and talented cast, but badly edited and directed
9 August 2021
One of the great losses in Hollywood was Laurie Anders' making only this one movie.

She was beyond adorable. Another reviewer called her "innocently sexy," which is the perfect description.

She was very capable and with a better director, or at least better directing (William Berke has done better work other times), she could have shown herself a good actress.

She was capable in so much, including ventriloquism, jiu-jitsu, and riding, plus she attempted singing and dancing, which did not come across so well in this film.

But, seriously, just to see her makes watching this movie worthwhile.

Her romantic lead was the generally over-looked Harry Lauter, and it was a welcome change to see him in such a role.

Hoot Gibson is still the great Hoot, even in his relatively advanced age. He still showed he was a real cowboy, and still had that charm.

A mess of other people, including Ken Murray (who has to take the blame for most of what is wrong here), and including some great cowboys and a listenable band, fill out the cast, even if with just cameo and supposedly funny roles.

It's not a world-class movie -- except maybe for Laurie Anders.

Again, I have to repeat, what a sad loss not to have much more of her on film.
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