The Way West (1967)
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda . . . been better. Still . . .
11 August 2021
Wagon train drama on route from Independence MO to Oregon in 1843. Stellar cast, accomplished director, striking cinematography. The script, alas, is pretty much paint-by-the-numbers western. Noteworthy, perhaps, for a worldview practically 100 percent at odds with current sensibilities (of the majority, at least). No chance of a "no animals harmed" declaration. Bob Mitchum in one of his more laconic and minimalist turns (which is saying something). Kirk Douglass and Richard Widmark more than adequate. Sally Field and Lola Albright shine, as might be expected. (Too bad the latter didn't do more movie work). Several much-employed character actors in good form (Jack Elam, Stubby Kaye, Harry Carey . . . ) as are others in the supporting cast.

The film gets an extra point here for the location shots. It would be worth watching if only for the spectacular scenery. {Extra credit for not taking the wagon train through Monument Valley.)
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