My Best Girl (1927)
Sweet rom-com that may have created some of the tropes
14 August 2021
Watching a movie like My Best Girl is such an interesting experience because it shows that many of the tropes of modern romantic comedies have existed since the beginning. I was charmed by this plot just like I would be with any rom-com that came out today. It has a familiar story about a guy who is hiding the truth about who he really is, and in the process he falls in love with a girl who might not be someone he would choose in his normal life. The two main characters are likable and have some good chemistry. I actually found myself laughing out loud a number of times at their antics, and some of the mistaken identity stuff. I found it both humorous and familiar because there are TV shows and films that use some of these same ideas to this day. It worked so well that at times I didn't notice that this was a silent film, because I could get a sense of the dialogue just based on the body language of the characters. The final act of My Best Girl was satisfying, but there were certainly a few things I think they glossed over that made this a bit far-fetched. But in the spirit of a happy Hollywood ending, you have to let some of that stuff go. My ranking of this film might seem a bit harsh, because I definitely enjoyed My Best Girl. However, I just find myself generally leaning away from silent films when it comes to a rewatch, and rewatchability factors highly in many of my rankings. All that being said, this is a pleasant little rom-com that I am glad I've seen.
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