Fighting Mad (1939)
I watched it just to see Benny Rubin and Ole Olson.
16 August 2021
"Fighting Mad" is one of eight Renfrew of the Mounties films. They were B-movies made around the late 1930s and where a bit like westerns set in modern times and are the adventures of a handsome Northwest Mounted policeman and were distributed by Monogram Pictures. I've only seen a few and wasn't particularly impressed. But I wanted to see this one because of its odd casting of the Jewish comic Benny Rubin and Ole Olson (of Olson & Johnson comedy fame) I simply couldn't imagine either of these guys in the Canadian wilderness!

Early in the story, a woman just happens to be there during a holdup and the crooks kidnap her. Renfrew and his partner come to her aid when the trailer she's in detaches and careens down the road. Now here's the nutty part....she never tells them she's been kidnapped nor that the men in the car are dangerous wanted criminals. In this sense, the writing is REALLY bad....and just doesn't make any sense. Does it get any better and does it start to make sense? Watch it and see.

As for Rubin, he's enjoyable in the film...but talk about a fish out of water!! Seeing his extremely stereotypical Jewish Borscht Belt shtick in the film is just strange...very strange! Olson, on the other hand, is barely in the movie...and you wonder why he made this cameo without his longtime partner, Chic Johnson.

So is this film any good? It's fair to middling....not great but pleasant if you just want a simple time-passer. So, if you are a fan of B westerns (such as Gene Autry or Roy Rogers flicks), for example, you probably will enjoy this. Just don't expect it to be great art or especially well made.

By the way, the actors Chief Thundercloud, J. W. Cody and Iron Eyes Cody all played natives in the film but were NOT Indians at all. I can't say where 'Chief Thundercloud' was from but he was not a chief. And, the Cody brothers pretended for decades to be Native Americans....but were Italians! The only actor who played a native in this one who WAS appears to be Chris Willow Bird...but considering the others, perhaps he wasn't an Indian either!
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