Review of Flesh

Flesh (1932)
All women are dishonest, cheating thieves, and should . . .
22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . be shot, preaches the director of FLESH. Just as he'd later have the self-styled "Duke" pointing his rifle to exterminate Ms. Wood in THE SEARCHERS, Mr. Ford suggests that Laura--the title character of FLESH--should be strangled by a strong wrestler type. Guilty of sacrilege in convincing naive strong man "P." that "their" son was born without the benefit of conjugal relations (like the V. Mary's offspring), Evil Laura milks this poor sap for every cent that he's got. P. lacks the will to fight back against his destroyer, as he's no QUIET MAN. Presaging the illicit mom of STAGECOACH, lying lizard Laura is the prototypical Ford villainess. Rotten to her core, she deserves scalping 200% more than any of the 37 females actually shorn of their topknots in the later films of this director. P. is a totally happy-go-lucky guy until black widow Laura lures him into her web of deceit, ruining his life. Then her dirty tricks, prevarication and heartless harlotry turn his existence into a Living Hell, as deftly depicted by Mr. Ford.
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