The Chair (2021)
I'm a department chair. This show is a mixed bag
22 August 2021
I recognize that this is a comedy, not a documentary.

Still, how can a show that's *so* spot-on in its casting, its writing, ts grasp of the issues roiling 2021 campus life, and (the issue closest to my heart) its understanding of the many ridiculous demands placed on department chairs, be so spectacularly or willfully out-of-touch when it comes to its portrayals of:
  • gender disparity (a humanities department that's almost all male -- seriously?),
  • age (a faculty with almost no one below retirement age -- seriously?), and, especially,
  • costumes (professors wearing suits, ties, or jackets with elbow patches - elbow patches? In the 21st century? Are you f'ing kidding me? -- when teaching or when attending faculty meetings) ?

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