Mr. Jones (2019)
27 August 2021
The Allies had to Eat a Lot of Crow while Looking the Other Way and Knowingly Suppress the Willful Starvation of Millions by Stalin.

A Sociopathic Dictator that was as Evil as Anything Humanity had to Endure.

To Win the Fight Against the Nazis and Japan for World Dominance, it was Decided to Allow Stalin to do What Stalin Did Without Interference.

This is the Story of a Naive but Brave Journalist, Gareth Jones, who Ended-Up Paying the Ultimate Price for being a Truth-Teller.

And His Uncovering First-Hand the Deliberate Starvation of Millions in and around Ukraine in the Soviet Union.

He Tries to Get Someone, Anyone to Believe what He has Seen to get the World to Oppose such Mass Murder.

Politics, Greed, and Self-Preservation were Opposing His Every Effort and the Movie Tells His Story in a Personal and Compelling Montage of Boardrooms, Trains, and Captivity.

The Enormous Human Toll is so Devastating and Horrendous, the Story-Telling can Never Really Capture the Heart-Breaking Suffering of the Population.

But it has to be Attempted Now and Then to Remind the World of the Evil Around Us and to Shed Light on the Darkest Deeds Done Right Before Our Eyes and the Consequences of Doing Nothing.

The Film is Captivating, Consuming, and Frustrating with an All-Too-Real-Feel that Brings the Story Home for Us to See a Relatively Unknown Event and is only so, because We Let it Be Unknown.

Sadly, Almost a Century After it Should Have Been Known.
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