Easily One of My Top 10 Worst Movies
29 August 2021
I was looking through peoples' favorite movies and because I love philosophical bottle films, I thought this would definitely be up my alley. It was not. Calling this movie pretentious just doesn't do the film justice. It's preteninity ( pretentiousness to the infinite power). I have tried multiple times just to get though the whole thing and my brain just can't take it.

Most reviews who love this movie will admit it's pretentious. Reviews who did not like this movie have referred to it as "Shut up Andre", " If I didn't stop watching I would l kill myself", " this movie is the root of all evil" and " complete insistent blatter ". One person even said this was one of their favorite movies until they watched it again with someone. They were both so bored they had to stop watching it and he now gives the movie a 2. Maybe this film is for artsy people or maybe it's past it's prime but it's definitely not for my kind. I watched peoples' favorite parts and thought... no thoughts, just confusion as to how one could find this enjoyable.

With that said, I thought it started out well enough and I enjoyed the setting. It felt a little surreal to me and in a good way. Everything was just fine until Andre started telling stories. Then it just felt like torture in the form of pretentiousness but the icing on the cake, the thing that really makes this one of my worst movies is when Wallace says " tell me more". It's as if my soul was hurt. Why god, why? How, how dude? How can you be interested in listening to this man rant on in the most mindless self indulgent way. I don't even care if your a fictional character. You should know better person that doesn't really exist! Anyways, just had to get that off my chest. First review. Be good to each other. Peace.
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