Don't Buy That Bob Ross Shirt at Spencer's
2 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I learned a lot about this beloved man who painted gorgeous nature scenes every week on public television. I'm very happy that his son and close friends have revealed this story to the whole world and I hope it continues to open the public's eyes. I always had a bad feeling when I saw Bob Ross merchandise being sold in stores, but the merchandise doesn't match Bob Ross in any way. It's designed with contemporary sayings or it's something gimmicky like Bob Ross mints, bobble head, etc. These things, to me, didn't correlate with the soft spoken man who was always uplifting people on TV and just seemed like a simple man. Before watching this documentary I thought maybe the family was milking him as much possible but never imagined that he was practically stolen from his son by some greedy folks and sold by a greedy half brother. So sad that this happened to Bob Ross.

I think the inclusion of Bob's possible affair with Annette Kowalski was great, not for the sensational aspect of it but because it humanizes Bob Ross. Just because someone is beloved doesn't mean they're free of imperfections - however this possible affair was not a happy accident, just a plain old mistake. His whole connection with the Kowalskis, although life changing, was a big mistake for him. The Kowalskis can deny everything and sue everyone to high heaven, but the fact that a bunch of people didn't speak for fear of retaliation says a whole lot more than anything they could make up to clean up their greedy image. Bob Ross wasn't perfect and it's unhealthy to promote him or any other public figure as such, but his laidback, warm nature is what makes him lovable - along with that wonderful painting talent. Case in point with the people they show at the end who are grateful to Bob Ross for saving them from the depths of depression.

I'm glad the Jenkins couple came out and told their story. I would not know about these people otherwise and it's awful that their disappearance from the public eye is because of the Kowalskis. You see that Bob Ross even promoted them on his show while alive, so it's cruel that their livelihood was stolen from them by a company under Bob Ross' name. That being said, I think this is overall a great documentary. Both sides of the story are presented, but it's not hard to see who's at fault here. I see some of the complaints from other users is that the documentary used stocked footage rather than rare, never before seen footage or whatever. For me, I don't think that matters. What mattered is that they presented the real story about this man. All the good and the bad. Most importantly they exposed the greedy people who continue to exploit him. The music selection matches Ross' energy perfectly, the color scheme, and the impressionist paintings used to show some of the behind the scenes key moments at The Kowalski home.

The team behind this documentary really did their research, not just on the story they're trying to present but on the type of art Bob Ross did and how seedy business contracts worked. It's a great documentary and I think the team should be properly congratulated and recognized for their hard work. They did Bob Ross justice and created a proper documentary.

I highly recommend this documentary. My admiration for Bob Ross has not changed. He was human and I'm not gonna fault him for being human. You should definitely before buying that "trendy" shirt with Bob Ross' face at Spencers or Hot Topic or Forever 21. You'll just be making The Kowalski's pockets fatter, they don't deserve it. Don't buy that gimmicky trash merchandise, do it for Bob !
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