Charlie's Angels: Avenging Angel (1979)
Season 4, Episode 3
The Angel 'Connection'.
4 September 2021
Jaclyn Smith gives one of her better performances in the show. An ex-con, just out of jail, targets Kelly for revenge for being the one to send him to prison.

Cameron Mitchell plays ex-con-Frank Desmond, and he has a plan to hook Kelly on heroin as he was once himself a heroin addict and it was a drug deal gone bad that got him sent to prison.

Desmond and his sidekick Eddie get jobs at the very diner Kelly visits in order to spike her coffee. It works to sedate her and they break into her house at night and inject her with heroin. Let's just say that this is much darker than your typical Charlie's Angels plot.

Steve Kanaly, best known as Ray Krebs on Dallas, plays a sleazy lawyer who wants to know what happened to all the extra kilos of heroin in the Frank Desmond case. Him and his drug dealing client have been tailing Frank Desmond and when they see him at Kelly's house they assume that the two are working together.

One thing of note is the continuity from season 3, Kelly's house is the exact same one used in "Angels Belong in Heaven".

Kris and Tiffany spend some of the episode tailing two bad guys but this is pretty much a Kelly Garrett episode. Even though she only received two injections of heroin they make it seem like she's hungering for her next fix. Still it's a good performance by Smith and her scenes with Cameron Mitchell are well played by both. And unlike most Charlie's Angels episodes there was no light-hearted ending, fitting, considering the serious subject matter.
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