Harmless fluff
4 September 2021
An atypical screwball film with two charming stars, Petticoat Fever is a fun popcorn flick, but don't expect a snowbound My Man Godfrey or anything.

It takes place in the arctic- we're meant to believe Labrador, but I'm Canadian and can tell you that our winters DO NOT look like what the M-G-M backlot want you to believe. That's the main problem with this film- you can tell it's an arctic backlot, and no amount of suspending disbelief will change that.

Myrna Loy and Robert Montgomery are good in roles that seem to be a bit underwritten- but this was one of those "Churn 'em out weekly!" flicks that M-G-M were so good at in the 1920s, 30s and early 40s. Myrna Loy's character is a bit overly stupid, to the point of groaning, but she's a good enough actress that you can (mostly) ignore it.

The actors that played the respective fiancé(e)s of Loy and Montgomery were cardboard people, so that it wouldn't be a two person show. The casual casting of Asian people as Eskimos (their words, not mine) is a bit cringey, but I can live with it. I'm not that sensitive.

The plot is threadbare and the screenplay is sub-par- but Robert Montgomery looks very handsome in his furs (and later, his three-piece dinner jacket). It's nice to see Loy playing a single woman instead of the perfect wife/mother.

All in all, good escapist M-G-M fluff. You won't be wanting to beat your brains out by the end.
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