Dirty Work (1998)
For Norm
16 September 2021
Now that he's gone and we can look back on all his life's work, it feels weird that this was Norm's one and only "big" movie.

When it came out I remember laughing so hard at it. I rented the video a few times just to watch Norm's "Ridiculous" monologue, and every other line he delivered in it. I had high hopes that it would be the first of many Norm movies to come because despite its flaws, this was an extremely funny movie.

But it wasn't to be.

It was easily one of the best comedy films of the mid to late 90s, yet for some reason it wasn't the box office success that There's Something About Mary and others were. It deserved to be, solely based on Norm's performance in it, but it just didn't turn in the big bucks.

Which is sad. This was one of the best films by a SNL alumnus ever made. Just compare this movie and the laughs it generates to what his contemporaries were doing. Adam Sandler, who makes a cameo in this movie, never came close to making a movie this funny. Yet for some reason Hollywood kept churning out god awful Sandler garbage year after year. Chris Farley, who also makes a cameo in this movie and unlike Sandler was talented and funny, also never made a movie this good (though unlike Sandler he turned in some decent ones). Rob Schneider, David Spade - the list goes on. None of them made a movie anywhere near this funny.

Maybe it is a hidden blessing that this was Norm's one big movie. Norm MacDonald in 1998 was a comedian at the top of his game. This was the same Norm who just the year before went on Conan O'Brien and hijacked Courtney Thourne-Smith's appearance to single handedly create the most hilarious seven minutes in late night talk show history. Late 1990s Norm was one of the funniest comedians in history.

But having achieved such brilliant heights he had nowhere to go but down. He never crashed and was always funny (his moth joke on Conan in 2009 is deadly funny), but in later years his stand up and also his appearances on the late night circuit weren't quite able to capture that same lightening in the bottle he had in the 90s. His only other major movie appearance after this was in Screwed a couple of years later. Which was not good and we should all forget about its existence. After that he basically just did a few voice performances and cameos in movies.

Dirty Work though is what he has left us, and it is a movie that is still worth watching after all these years. Because of Norm's timeless talent for getting laughs, which he uses to full effect throughout the film.

So if you've ever seen a clip of Norm being funny and want to see more, preferable in movie form, you can't go wrong with this one.
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