The Devil Below
17 September 2021
The town of Shookum Hills in the Appalachian Mountains was wiped off the map following a mining disaster in the 1970s... at least that is the official story. Now a group of explorers are determined to discover the truth. As they arrive in the area locals claim not to have heard of Shookum Hills much less know where it is. The group manages to find it anyway; hidden behind an electric fence. It is clear that somebody wants the mine sealed... but is that to keep people out or keep something in? The group are about to find out and when they do they will be in real danger.

I thought this was a decent enough low budget horror film. Sure the creatures are of the 'men in rubber suits' variety familiar to anybody who watched 'Doctor Who' in the '70s but that doesn't matter to much as for most of the time they are hidden in darkness. The dark and confined setting creates a good atmosphere much like that in 'The Decent', an admittedly superior film. The characters are the usual mixed bag; most of whom we know won't survive till the end. The acting is decent enough for a film of this type. One does have to suspend ones disbelief more than a little; given the danger it is unlikely more wouldn't have been done to eradicate it or at least ensure it couldn't be released by curious explorers! Overall though it didn't bother me, after all the true test of any horror film is whether or not it is scary and for me it was; more so than many horror films I've seen. Give it a go... even if you think it is terrible you'll only waste ninety minutes.
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