The ultimate disappointment
24 September 2021
This is such an awful movie. With a bit of imagination it looks like Justin Treudau the prime minister of Canada why these two look so much alike I'm not one to judge or ask. This has such an awful opening the song couldn't be much worst than the iconic "I've got the power" song. A lot of the songs seem like they'd be played in a homosexual bar in that era and don't belong that's how bad this movie is. Is there a plot? Sure, is the pacing good, good enough. The bad guy is not really hated enough, though the final fight in the movie isn't awful. The script is dull, one of the characters in it even says that the persons former father figure or whatever you want to call the man would still be alive if Jeff (the main character) did not come back to his old town or city.

The opening is awful you got this oiled up shirtless guy who looks like he belongs in an underwear or jeans ad doing all these little martial arts poses, the actor does not look tough enough to be a kung fu star and if anyone wonders yes steroids would have made a big difference. There is no big fight, no big shoot out to show us how awesome this movie is going to be. What is this guy the ultimate weapon to or for? How they introduce the man who gets murdered in the beginning of the movie was kind of lazy. They didn't even give Jeff a real love interest, they just hinted at it very briefly in the end of the movie but neither him or the girl hardly make eye contact. It's like one of them wasn't into the other. That's just my 2 cents.

So what happens is Jeff is this troubled kid and instead of going to military school some Korean man the one who owns the convenience store says oh no teach him kempo.karate. You see as he kid getting better his little brother is mimicking the moves as he jumps on the bed. I hope the fathers medical insurance is good because it's quite easy to break your arm up there. As Jeff gets older he's so manly he doesn't join the football team, no he becomes a pole vaulter which comes in handy once during the movie for some dumb reason. He helps defend his brother and they both look in high school. He knocks a bully out who is harassing him and his little brother on the manliest place on earth the football field. He knocks this bigger kid out with his fabulous kicks and all and is so strong they go through all the football players pads and helmet, was the coach sizing up the cheerleaders? Why did it take him so long to respond to the football player and the boy fighting. Then the father says ok son, get out! I don't want you, you're such a bad son for standing up for your brother! Grr! The master who trains him does he have a lazy eye or is one of his eyes made of glass?

Jeff is so boring and his acting is stiffer than that pole he vaults and I'm sure even stiffer around those jocks. His character is so uninspired I can't see myself as him.

Now we focus on the modern day and him and his brother have the most fabulous haircuts ever. Or the younger brother got the bad genes in the family and is bald. They were so cheap with the makeup on this, did the movies budget go to those few explosions and their hair. I mean you can see pock marks and all on the actors. However I did notice an actor from a far, far better movie than this. Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa from Showdown In Little Tokyo is in this.as Kai in this. Yoshida in that.

When Jeff goes back into town he sees the Korean mafia try to shake down Kim's store. Of course Jeff beats all 4 of them up and to my understanding it seemed like an antique store. Jeff ends up breaking just as much stuff as the Korean mafia would probably have to help save his friend so when they all hobble out for that their retaliation is to murder Kim in his sleep a few days later so now it's Jeffs job to murder the mafia responsible. The trouble is there's more than one. He ends up in some greasy place that hardly looks like a club and it's full of Korean people because you know screw multiculturalism apparently.

Surprisingly the school is there that Jeff learned in but at best we get hints of it that they all still remember him and the girl that stood beside him is somehow still there. She looks surprisingly pretty. Thankfully this doesn't become a tv movie where the two most attractive people in the movie hook up. Though the acting and the boring plot you'd kind of hope it would be as no way I would pay to see this garbage movie. Of course no one in this other dojo will help him find a bad guy so he beats up a bunch of people. The fight is really poorly edited and I'm sure there were plenty of extra takes and cuts. Though it is well paced. It isn't a steven seagal you're not allowed to hit me blood bath fight. The only thing this movie does right is their "combos" that you really don't see a lot of in martial art action movies like i've watched a lot of the last little while.

The younger brother brother can't act and they were so lazy they didn't even get a second person to be the father. Did they just tell him to go a few weeks without putting gray in his hair? The brothers look nothing alike. Are they sure the mother didn't divorce the dad or something? The little kid who cracks wise who helps Jeff is so unnecessary.

The bad guy Tanaka is not the stiffest actor, in fact he doesn't have the least amount of lines either. This is another movie that I've seen by some coincidence that had Professor Tanaka in this movie. In the chase scene he looks so bored. How is his limo out running the police, though i love how over the top the car chase is. Tanaka has the acting abillity of a 100 year old Frankenstein movie.

The fights can be hit or miss literally but all Jeff seems to do is hit men in the testicles when he is desperate. I'm sure that isn't the way of the tiger or whatever his master tells him.

I won't ruin the ending but its about as enjoyable as passing a kidney stone.

Ways this movie could have been better A better lead and brother character A love interest?

A better movie editor, those fights tended to look sloppy A better musical score More to the plot

the only thing stopping this from getting a 1 star is it has a plot and some of the fights can be enjoyable. This was another really poor suggestion I would apparently like that I was given online.
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