Charlie's Angels: An Angel's Trail (1980)
Season 4, Episode 20
Farrah and Harley the half-wit
29 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was an unfortunate final episode for Farrah Fawcett and her Jill Munroe character. She only has brief scenes with Cheryl Ladd's Kris and David Doyle's Bosley, and none at all with Jaclyn Smith's Kelly or Shelley Hack's Tiffany Welles.

The plot is simple, Jill stops for gas and witnesses a robbery in progress where someone is shot and killed. The killer and his two sons take Jill hostage in their van. They flee into rugged Arizona terrain, stopping for the night in an abandoned mining town. One of the sons, Harley, is mentally deficient (learning disabled) and is referred to as 'retarded'. The other son spends most of his time leering at Jill, alternately threatening to kill and or assault her sexually (implied, at least).

The father, played by LQ Jones, is no better, and is probably one of the more morally repugnant characters in the Charlie's Angel universe. This episode is Jones 4th go round, having appeared in Bullseye, Angels in the Backfield, and the Diablo Island episode.

Harley is played by John Dennis Johnston, and it's an amusing portrayal, a definite product of its times. The bit with the cake at the end is pure cringe. The other brother, Clint, is played by Tracy Walter, a pretty recognizable face to this day.

Farrah certainly does her best to make this interesting, without her there's nothing to look at or root for. The other Angels spend most of the episode looking concerned and talking to local law enforcement.

At least towards the end, Kris is able to take action, but by the time she arrives Jill has things under control. It would have been nice to have one final scene with Farrah and Jaclyn, but viewers were robbed of that. Quite a let down.
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