Very rewarding film!
30 September 2021
Great Film, In addition to covering a large landscape from Action to Thriller to Drama and Comedy. There is also a great depth to this film. The pivotal scene, for me, is when Otto is in Mathilde's room and comments on the post-its on Mathilda's wall, events leading to the tragedy. Otto tells her it's meaningless to try to make sense of it, and Mathilde replies.."it's just easier when there is someone to be mad at". And later in the film, after realizing the group's mistake, Marcus is pleading to the them, "Who is to blame then? Who?"

With tragic events, sometimes accidents and randomness scares us even more than evil. Justice is no longer at our disposal. As the title of the film suggests, we continue to ride it though, sometimes to our detriment, because we have no other vehicle. Maybe, the film also suggests, love and camaraderie can be that other vehicle.
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