This Documentary is a Big Fat Red Herring,40 Years Removed
1 October 2021
Wayne Williams was absolutely guilty. He was a serial killer and a pathological narcissist. A key fact not even raised in this biased "journalism", the killings stopped immediately after Wayne Williams was arrested. Why leave that out? Why was Wayne Williams on the bridge, driving slowly at 3:30 AM just after a loud splash was heard? This being a bridge where bodies where known to have been dropped from. What in the world was he doing there?

I don't need to list the mountain of circumstantial evidence against Wayne Williams, suffice it to say, if Wayne Williams were white this would have been a cut and dry. Nobody would have given it a second thought.

What HBO is trying to do here is to make this a racial issue 40 year after the fact. The Atlanta politicians are trying to do the same thing. The fact that the Atlanta child killer was an African American was and still is too much for these people to handle. Everything must be viewed through a prism of race. Of course, the KKK is brought into the equation even though there is no proof.

Wayne Williams has been elevated to a celebrity in prison, this is EXACTLY what he wanted. That's who he is. He knows damn well he's guilty and that he'll never see the light of day.

The fact that most African Americans believe William's is innocent, and that the government was sweeping the issue under the rug is profoundly sad. We are now living in a country where people have their own alternate views of history. A Nation can't go forward with beliefs like this

Burn in Hell Wayne Williams, you murdered dozens of children and now you are enjoying the attention it brought you. I can't think of a more evil human than WW.
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