Review of Jaguar

Jaguar (2021)
2 October 2021
Some of the reviews pointed out some valid points. However, as far as Bianca is concerned you should consider that her character had, as a young child in the camp, seen her father killed, her brother had been killed and she had been traumatized by life in a concentration camp. She had learned to turn her emotions off to develop a poker face to hide her inner thoughts and feelings. If you looked into her eyes you could see the blind determination to survive and seek revenge at all costs, in other words she had tunnel vision with one purpose in her mind at all times. I thought the movie did a good job in slowly delving into the characters lives as it related to their personal experiences with nazis and peeled off the layers that had brought them to where they were. Also keep in mind that you have to look beyond North American films and keep in mind the nationality of the movie. I watch a lot of foreign films and you have to look out of your culture.
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