A kind of sequel to "Dangerous Blondes"...kind of.
13 October 2021
"Dangerous Blondes" (1943) was a very good and most agreeable mystery film starring Allyn Joslyn and Evelyn Keyes. So it's not surprising they would return them a year later for a sequel. But here's the odd part....it's NOT a sequel...but it also is! The names are not the same and Joslyn's character is no longer a crime fiction writer but an artist who has a crime comic strip. Why the changes? I have no idea...none. But the feeling and spirit of the films clearly is identical...a sequel! I scored the first film an 8....is "Strange Affair" also that good??

The film, naturally, features a murder and, naturally, the cops are really dumb (particularly the investigator's assistant)...so it takes an amateur to solve the case! This is THE blueprint for this sort of film....and Hollywood might have made 500 or more films like it. In many cases, it's a newspaper reporter (such as Lee Tracy), but it could also be a teach (Edna May Oliver) or any other non-police person who somehow knows more than trained cops!

When the story begins, Bill (Joslyn) meets Mr. Baumler. Oddly, later in a night club, he sees Mr. Baumler again...but it's a different person! Apparently, there is a faux Baumler. But before he can figure out WHY and WHO....the second Baumler dies right there at the table in the club! The police foolishly are quick to assume it's a heart attack that killed him. But Bill, being the know-it-all amateur, assumes he was poisoned...which they soon realize is the case. So what is really going on here and how will Bill and his lady friend (Keyes) get to the bottom of this case?

My feeling is that if you liked the first film, you'll like the second. This is because in both the mystery isn't as important as the interplay between Keyes and Joslyn...which is snappy and funny. Well worth seeing. And the best part...near the end when the dopey cops arrest Keyes. Her reaction is priceless!!
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