Someone asked, "Why would the visually disabled . . . "
19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
" . . . Be so keen on fencing?" I couldn't agree more with this gent's bewilderment. Swords tend to be fairly sharp, especially when their safety is off, which seems to be the case for the title trio's weapons throughout this picture. The evidence for the keenness of their blades is augmented several times, when they utilize their rapiers to slice and dice various objects. Surely it is far more practical for those with failing vision to avail themselves of firearms, as opposed to unwieldy sabers, scimitars, daggers and whatnot. A shooting iron is generally effective clear across a room. (If your roommates do not believe this--and your hearing is sound--why not load up a beebee gun or .22, close your eyes or wear a blindfold, and then challenge any skeptic to sneak past you unscathed.) No sightless person wants to rely on a blade in the close quarters needed for it to be effective against a skilled antagonist. So after watching this cartoon, do not forget to support your local chapter of BANGS (Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps).
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