Review of Ganglands

Ganglands (2021– )
This is a very good show...
29 October 2021
This is a very good show, but there are holes.

The main hole for me was the main female LGHDTV character. She has ZERO redeeming qualities; she's INCREDIBLY MASCULINE, self-centered, arrogant, egotistical, disrespectful, irritating and puts those around her in danger because she's completely oblivious to the concept of actions having consequences and repercussions. I cannot stand her.


She spends most of the series furious with others over messes that she'd caused herself, mainly getting people killed.

When the baddies would show up, I'd be shouting at the screen, "kill her, she's well past overdue!!"

She's the main hole, for me: the baddies had plenty of opportunities to dispatch one of the most anger-inducing characters to date, yet she's always managed to come out unscathed, like a cockroach. I cannot stand her.

At least give her some redeeming qualities, so that we don't all want her to get what she's long overdue😬
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